/* * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2011 Jaspersoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * http://www.jaspersoft.com. * * Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft, * the following license terms apply: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * Dialogs Module. * * @author Yuriy Plakosh */ var dialogs = {}; /////////////////////////////////////////// // System confirm object and methods /////////////////////////////////////////// /** * System confirm is used to show system confirm about the last action. * It fades up rapidly after the action completes, and fades away on the next mouseDown anywhere on the page. */ dialogs.systemConfirm = { container: null, message: null, show: function(message, duration) { this.container = this.container || jQuery('#systemMessageConsole').on('mouseup touchend', function() { dialogs.systemConfirm.container.slideUp(); }); this.message = this.message || document.getElementById('systemMessage'); if (!this.closeText){ this.closeText = this.message.innerHTML.toLowerCase(); } this.message.innerHTML = message + ' | '+ this.closeText +''; dialogs.systemConfirm.container.slideDown(); setTimeout('dialogs.systemConfirm.hide()', duration ? duration : 2000); }, hide: function() { if (dialogs.systemConfirm.container) { dialogs.systemConfirm.container.slideUp(); } } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ajax Error Popup Dialog object and methods ////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Ajax Error dialog is used then any ajax call returns and server side error which was not * catched by server. It show popup dialog with stackrtace and close button. */ dialogs.errorPopup = { _dom: null, _content: null, /** * The identifier of the DOM element. */ _DOM_ID: "standardAlert", /** * The identifier of the element there error content should be placed. */ _CONTENT_ID: "errorPopupContents", /** * Pattern of element in response where error is placed */ _PAGE_CONTENT_PATTERN: "#errorPageContent", _DIALOG_WIDTH: "546px", _DIALOG_HEIGHT: "350px", clickHandler: null, /** * Shows popup dialog. * * @param errorContent error content to be showed */ show: function(errorContent) { var fromSource = Builder.node('DIV', {style:'display:none'}); fromSource.innerHTML = errorContent; document.body.insertBefore(fromSource, document.body.firstChild); var content = $$(this._PAGE_CONTENT_PATTERN)[0]; var contentText = content ? content.innerHTML : errorContent; var isStackTrace = (content && content.innerHTML); fromSource.remove(); if (contentText) { if (!this._dom) { this._dom = $(this._DOM_ID); this._content = $(this._CONTENT_ID); this.clickHandler = this._clickHandler.bindAsEventListener(this); } if (this._dom) { var finalContent = contentText; //If error is a plain text - wrap it into

element if (!isStackTrace) { finalContent = Builder.node('P', {'class':'message'}); finalContent.update(contentText); } this._content.update(finalContent); this._dom.observe('click', this.clickHandler); this._dom.setStyle({height: this._DIALOG_HEIGHT, width: this._DIALOG_WIDTH}); dialogs.popup.show(this._dom); var st = document.getElementById('completeStackTrace'); if(st) { isIPad() && new TouchController(st,st.parentNode,{noInit3d:true}); } } } }, /** * Hides popup dialog. */ _hide: function() { if (this._dom) { this._dom.stopObserving('click', this.clickHandler); dialogs.popup.hide(this._dom); } }, /* * Mouse click handler for close button */ _clickHandler: function(event) { var element = event.element(); if (matchAny(element, ['button'], true)) { this._hide(); } } }; /** * generic 'popup' dialog controller * @param {Object} elem */ dialogs.popup = { show: function(elem, showDimmer, options) { if (!elem) { return; } /* * Hack for all 4 sides drop shadow. Applying drop shadow effect directly on dialog.overlay element causes * cursor to be shifted out of inner input elements. */ if(isIE()) { jo = jQuery(elem); if(jo.children('div.msshadow').length == 0) { jo.prepend('

'); } } elem = $(elem); //dimmer if (showDimmer) { pageDimmer.show(); elem.match(layoutModule.DIALOG_LOADING_PATTERN) && pageDimmer.setZindex(elem.getStyle('zIndex') - 1); } //ensure body is parent reParent(elem, document.body); elem.setOpacity(0); elem.removeClassName(layoutModule.HIDDEN_CLASS); isIE7() && !elem.match(".sizeable") && setWidthStyleByReflection(elem, '.content'); layoutModule.createMover.call(layoutModule, elem); layoutModule.createSizer.call(layoutModule, elem); if (options && options.cascade) { //cascade cascadeElement(elem, {position: options.position, number: options.number, horzOffset: 40, vertOffset: 40}); } else { //center centerElement(elem, {horz: true, vert: true}); } //raise if necessary dialogs.popup._setMaxZIndex(elem); isIPad() ? elem.setOpacity(1.0) : appear(elem, 0.4); //focus elem.tabIndex = -1; elem.focus(); elem.observe('click', dialogs.popup.zIndexHandler); }, hide: function(elem) { if (!elem) { return; } elem = $(elem); //hide dialog and dimmer if (!elem.hasClassName(layoutModule.HIDDEN_CLASS)) { elem.addClassName(layoutModule.HIDDEN_CLASS); pageDimmer.hide(); elem.match(layoutModule.DIALOG_LOADING_PATTERN) && pageDimmer.setZindex(layoutModule.DIMMER_Z_INDEX); } elem.stopObserving('click', dialogs.popup.zIndexHandler); }, /** * Handler for dialog z-index change on click. */ zIndexHandler: function(event) { var element = Event.element(event); var dialog = matchMeOrUp(element, layoutModule.DIALOG_PATTERN); dialogs.popup._setMaxZIndex(dialog); }, _setMaxZIndex: function(dialog) { if (dialog) { var zIndex = 0; var dialogs = document.body.select(layoutModule.DIALOG_PATTERN); var zIndexResolver = function(currentDialog) { // If visible and not loading dialog (it should have the highest z-index). if (currentDialog.visible() && !currentDialog.match(layoutModule.DIALOG_LOADING_PATTERN)) { zIndex = Math.max(zIndex, currentDialog.getStyle('zIndex'),layoutModule.DIMMER_Z_INDEX + 1); } }; dialogs.length == 1 ? zIndexResolver(dialogs[0]) : dialogs.each(zIndexResolver); dialog.setStyle({ zIndex : Math.max(zIndex + 1, dialog.getStyle('zIndex')) }); } } };